3 Do-It-Yourself Fall Projects to Help Protect Your Home This Winter

Dyess Air

As the weather cools down, more South Carolina homeowners are starting to switch on their heat. An inefficient home can strain a heating system and lead to a sharp increase in utility bills. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration highlights that exposure to cold temperatures could cause life-threatening conditions. Homeowners have the opportunity to save money, reduce the strain on their heating systems and protect their families during cold weather by taking the time for do-it-yourself fall projects. The three projects outlined below are ideal for reducing utility bills to give families the opportunity to put money toward retirement, college savings or big-ticket purchases.

Improve Efficiency By Cleaning

HVAC maintenance is an important step in improving a home heating system’s efficiency. Cleaning the home heating system before you use it is an ideal way to ensure that there’s nothing blocking it from running efficiently. To start, check the air filter and replace it if needed. Vents should be clear of furniture, and outside ventilation should be cleared of fallen leaves, sticks and other debris that are common during fall.

Duct cleaning is another important cleaning task. Dirt can clog up ducts and make it difficult for warm air to circulate throughout a home. Clean ducts allow air to easily pass through for greater efficiency. Cleaning the ducts also ensures that allergens aren’t circulated into your home this fall.

Take Advantage of Ceiling Fans

Most people associate ceiling fans with cooling off in the summer, but you can use these fixtures to achieve even heating in the winter. You can reverse the direction of ceiling fans to more efficiently heat a home. Fans that spin clockwise force warm air near the ceiling down into a room while drawing cooling air up and away from people. There’s typically a switch located on the base of the fan that allows you to reverse the fan’s rotation.

Block Cold Air

Cold air can seep through cracks. Heating systems have to work harder when cold air is coming in, and this inefficiency will be reflected in utility bills. These cracks can also allow warm air to escape outside instead of being circulated throughout a home.

Keep cold air out with caulk, weather stripping, and insulation. Cracks can be filled in with caulk. Weather stripping is ideal for preventing drafts near doors or windows. Insulation may need to be beefed up in the basement or attic to keep cold air at bay.

Get Help With Professional Projects

The fall projects outlined above give homeowners a place to start when it comes to getting ready for winter. Some tasks have to be left to a professional. Dyess Air & Plumbing has been providing a full range of HVAC services to customers in Claxton, Bluffton and the surrounding areas since 1984. Maintenance packages are available to help homeowners keep their heating systems running smoothly and efficiently as the weather cools down.

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