Spring Home Maintenance Checklist

Maintenance Checklist

The days are getting longer, the temperature is steadily rising, and the flowers are getting ready to bloom. Ah— it’s almost time to come out of hibernation! As winter comes to an end, get your home ready for the warmer weather ahead. Our heating and air conditioning experts at Dyess Air & Plumbing have the complete home maintenance checklist for you!

Inspect the exterior of your home

Spring cleaning doesn’t just pertain to the inside of your home. A quick inspection can help you identify any damage that happened from Old Man Winter.

  • Safely examine the roof. If you are comfortable doing so, check to see if any shingles are out of place or missing.

  • Clear out the gutters. You must take leaves, dirt, and other debris out of the gutters to prevent damage to your home.

  • Check on the outdoor faucets and sprinkler system. Inspect the outdoor spigots, hoses, and sprinklers to make sure water hasn’t frozen this past season.

  • Inspect the screens on your windows and doors. With the upcoming warmer weather, many of you are going to take advantage of the fresh air. Before you open your windows and doors, check for any holes and repair them before unfriendly critters get inside.

Perform safety checks

Enter the new season by ensuring the safety of your abode. Test all the smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms. Remember to replace the batteries if it has been longer than a year.

Prepare the air conditioner

It’s time to get your air conditioner ready for spring and summer. Change the filter, clean out any debris surrounding the outdoor unit, and give it a test run. Get the most out of your air conditioner and ensure it runs efficiently by getting it serviced with a professional. At Dyess Air & Plumbing, our preventative maintenance includes a 25-step checklist guarantees that you remain comfortable in your home even in the hottest temperatures.

Deep clean your home

It wouldn’t be a spring home maintenance checklist unless we talked about spring cleaning! Here’s a quick list of tasks to check off:

  • Sanitize the kitchen and bathroom countertops.

  • Wipe down all tables and surfaces.

  • Vacuum, sweep, or mop the floors.

  • Clean out your fridge.

  • Dust ceiling fans, shelves, and other surfaces.

  • Toss out accumulated junk.

From cleaning to inspections, this blog will help you transition to the new season without any bumps in the road! Call Dyess Air & Plumbing at (843) 242-0855 to schedule maintenance service today.

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